Friday, February 28, 2014

Single mom with husband

Haaaa... fhm tak tajuk entry kali ni...
Single mother with husband... 
Rasenye ramai je kaum hawa skrg yg menjadi single mother tp ade husband!!
Phm x istilah ni??? Bleh agak x ape maksudnye?? Hihihi...

Meh ekin explain maksud istilah ni.. klau cari dlm dictionary kompem xjumpe ye kwn2.. :p
maksudnye ialah kaum2 ibu yg terpaksa duduk berjauhan dgn suami dan terpaksa menjaga anak2 sendirian tanpa suami.. suami cuma blk 2mggu sekali or mayb ade yg semggu sekali... atu istilah mudahnye pjj perhubungan jrk jauh.. percintaan jrk jauh..pergaduhan jrk jauh... hahaha... 

That what happen to me.. actually it has been almost 3 years ekin pjj dgn husband ekin... sedih mmg sedih but this is what Allah planned for us... 

So I have to be extra strong!! Yes!! Extra strong yer!!

*Lovy dovy * 

My very 1st entry

Writing is actually my hobby...
But everything has been changed since I have 2 kids...

My life changed.. My hobby changed.. 
My routine changed.. but deep in my heart I still love to write as for me writing can be a very good therapy... :)

So lets see whether I can write consistently or not.. hihi..

*Lovy dovy*